Contribution pieces
To increase the monetary value of FUD and FOMO the artist has made 8 contribution pieces that are available for sale. All funds from the sales will be deposited onto FUD & FOMO.
The artist have designed a t-shirt that is available for purchase using card or Bitcoin. It is an all-over design and the entire t-shirt is covered with Bitcoin Block 514 848 transaction hashes. The same hashes that are engraved onto the four sides of FUD & FOMO.
Unconditional contributions are welcomed
Feel free to contribute to the project by increasing the monetary value of FUD and FOMO. You may contribute using one of the following three methods:
Depositing Bitcoin directly onto the FUD and FOMO BTC-address: 14poW3eEGTn2e6xEYkcj1iJ6iAfdG4rq6v (See QR-code below)
Deposit VET to our VechainThor account. Then we swap from VET to BTC and deposit the BTC onto the FUD and FOMO BTC-address.
Our VET-account is 0xdA92ce9F8a403B9B429aD982437f4f512aC18E74 (See QR-code below)Use the “contribute” button below to contribute using a credit card. We will use any contribution to buy Bitcoin that will be deposited onto FUD and FOMO.
If you want to unconditionally contribute to the project, but do not want to use Bitcoin, then you are welcome to use card by clicking on the contribute button below.